Monday, October 18, 2010

It's about time...

The views were spectacular, but it was a slog all the way up and didn't get any less steep on the way down...which is why level ground felt so great!

All right, all right already! I am so glad to get this blog started. Of course, I already started it a while ago, but got blogged down in my other one, When I'm 64, which was a farewell to youth and hello to official Old Age. Not that that's over and I (literally) climbed that mountain, it's about time to get down to enjoying it.

Life, I mean.

Not that I wasn't, but I found the 64 thing weighing heavily around my neck toward the end. It's about time to get back to what passes for normal around here. A lot of the comments I got were that age is in your mind anyway. Tell that to my old bones as I dragged my bod up the steep side of that birthday mountain. And no, it wasn't easier on the other side (which is a sheer cliff), we slogged back down the same way we went up and it was just as steep!

Level ground never felt so good, nor food so scrumptious. I've been busy hiking more mountains since and it's always the same: pain goes away eventually, but memories are forever.

So stay tuned.  

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