Sunday, November 7, 2010

Momma said there'd be days like this...

Cosmic laughter: the universe finds us irresistibly hilarious.
My big brother gave me a book.

BB has given me a lot of books over the years. Some I read, some I have not.

And I have to admit I started this one because I ran out of books and was too lazy to go to the library to get more. So I opened it. 

It's about insecurity (So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore). Now, I have a lot of personality issues, but I never labeled any of them as being insecure. This author says pretty well everything can stem from feeling insecure. What you feel insecure about varies: competence, appearance, status, acceptance, adequacy, being loved, liked, appreciated, admired, measuring up, falling down, the list is practically endless.

When the insecure button gets pushed, we all react differently. Some circle the wagons and fire off the big guns, others retreat to a deep dark hiding place. Some rage, others cry. Some sail on as if nothing happened; hiding that it did.

This isn't rocket science, but I like some of the points she makes about where insecurity comes from (if you thought "childhood:" gold star) and the difference between dignity and pride. I've experienced both the deep dark cave and the sailing on, but what intrigues me is those who seem never to wobble no matter what gets thrown at them. They have an inner dignity, a secure sense of self, that accepts life is not fair, evaluates each new wrinkle, irons it out and moves on.

It's my goal to be there. To laugh at spilled milk sooner. This video shows a Domino Day, when you reach for the milk, spill it on your computer keyboard & while rushing to get paper towels, the kitties smell the milk and track it all over the desk, including the irreplaceable family photographs you were going to send to your mom...and on and on in a string of seemingly unending calamities while you yell at the Universe for dumping on you. 

My theory is the faster you can laugh, the faster you can break the disaster chain. People of dignity laugh.

The book may help point my way to getting there. Thanks, BB.

Click on the video.

Momma said there'd be days like this...

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